Concrete Treatment
We were long associated with Dr.Stenner, an authority on concrete technology in // Germany and were granted a license by his firm, Concret Chemie of Germany way back // in seventies.
Amongst many items Conblitz, a quick setting formulation for strong water leaks and // Sealabond bonding agent besides a waterproofing additive for concrete or mortar have // caught up in Pakistan very well. Conputty a waterproof coating at subgrade level in // new construction, expansive grout and Confrost an anti-freezing additive for cold weather // concreting and Sealocure curing agent are other important items.
Our Conblitz specification for leaking overhead and subgrade level water tanks is our // specialty and we have during last few years Created about fifty tanks ranging from 25000 // to 500000 Gal successfully. 31 subgrade level water tanks at COD Kala Gojra are // included besides 5 lac gal tanks at Kharian and Mangla cantt.
A list of treated tanks is enclosed.