
Insulation ot root' besides providing relief from cold and heat reduces the energy bills and its initial cost is justified in the end.

Various types of insulating materials are available, namely:

  • Foam concrete screed
  • Foamed gypsum screed
  • Polyurethane spray
  • Polyurethane spray
  • Newly developed Jumbolon N Board

While specifying or using Insulation materials it must be remembered that "WEI INSUALATION IS NO INSUALATION" and utmost care has to be taken to keep these materials dry. Foam concrete and gypsum absorb water and their continued immersion in water or their exposion to rain turn them into deterioting sponge with no insulation value. They must be covered with a minimum of 1/2 thick 1:4 cement sand screed and then properly waterproofed to keep their insulation value in tact. Similarly all the insulation boards available in Pakistan absorbs a certain percentage of moisture or water and their insulation value ( k factor ) is adversely affected.

polystyrene or other insulation boards must not be directly covered with sand cement or concrete screeds as the ssater from these coverings sits permanently in their pores and they lose their insulation value making the expense going to waste. In such cases covering or s.wapping in heavy gauge polythene is recommended.

Closed cell polystyrene board such as Roof Mate by ICI does not absorb moisture and is best suited for insulation of buildings but it is not made in Pakistan and its high cost coupled vvith the volumatic high fright are the factors to consider.

High density 32 Kg/m3 expanded polystyrene boards are now available in Pakistan and when wrapped in polythene sheets (minimum weighing 80 Sqft per KG) counteract the water absorption factor and in thick these boards provide 1.5 u value for the composite roof, considered adequate by international standards.

Our technical services Department works out the thickness of the insulating materials for given value of the insulation required or specified.